Student Discipline


Utilize Research to Shape Equitable Discipline Policies

Encourage the implementation of alternatives to punitive discipline, especially for young students and non-violent offenses

Example Contract Provisions

Why This Matters

What Teachers Say They Want

Inclusive, differentiated, and supportive conditions

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Students subject to discipline for a third offense of defiance or disrespect are required to participate in supportive interventions, such as behavior skills development, restorative justice programming, or external social services support.

Minneapolis Public Schools (MN) Article 6.6.2, 2021 – 2023

There is an explicitly stated goal of eliminating school discipline disparities based on race and socio-economic status and the contract requires schools to create a “Positive, Safe and Orderly Climate” plan. It calls on the district to leverage “inclusive and comprehensive approaches to student discipline that focus on and address why a child may be exhibiting negative behaviors.

Montgomery County Public Schools (MD) Article 8.F, Article 10.B and C; 2021 – 2023

Schools must develop a prevention, intervention, and discipline plan that is aligned to the district’s commitment to restorative practices.

Denver Public Schools (CO) Article 18, 2022 – 2025

The district is required to provide teachers with training on restorative justice practices, working with students impacted by trauma, and building a positive classroom environment. Additionally, the contract establishes a joint district-union “School Safety and Discipline Committee” tasked with meeting monthly to review and provide recommendations for revision of the Code of Conduct and to develop implementation best practices.

School District of Philadelphia (PA) Article XVIII-E, 2021 – 2024

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